The CSRD supply chain checklist

What you need to know about your supply chain for CSRD compliance



Get your supply chain data ready for CSRD with our new checklist

In January 2024, the EU's Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive became law (CSRD), changing how companies, both EU and non-EU companies, report on environmental, social, and governance (ESG) matters.

A big focus of the CSRD is on supply chain sustainability—and for good reason. The biggest sustainability impacts for most companies are found in their supply chains.

But, what specific data and information do you need to gather and report? 

Download the checklist for:

  • All supply chain information requirements for CSRD and ESRS
  • How to use Worldfavor to access CSRD data from your suppliers  

This checklist is for: 
All companies covered by the CSRD or those looking to use an internationally accepted standard to understand their supply chain's sustainability risks and opportunities.